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1 awe

An overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration.

Roget 870: wonder, marvel; astonishment, amazement, wonderment, bewilderment; amazedness etc. adj.; admiration, awe; stupor, stupefaction; stound, ... show more

2 awe

A feeling of profound respect for someone or something.

synonyms: fear, reverence, veneration.

Roget 860: fear, timidity, diffidence, want of confidence; apprehensiveness, fearfulness etc. adj.; solicitude, anxiety, care, apprehension, misgiving; feeze [U.S.]; ... show more

Dutch: vrees
Polish: rewerencja


1 awe

Inspire awe in.

Roget 928: respect, regard; revere, reverence; hold in reverence, honor, venerate, hallow; esteem etc. (approve of) 931; think much of; ... show more

Roget 860: fear, stand in awe of; be afraid etc. adj.; have qualms etc. n.; apprehend, sit upon thorns, eye askance; distrust etc. (disbelieve) ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abject fear, admiration, adoration, affright, alarm, amaze, amazement, apotheosis, appall, appreciation, approbation, approval, astonish, astonishment, astound, astoundment, awestrike, be widely reputed, bedaze, bedazzle ... show more.

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