English synonyms about - contact  

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1 autonomy

Immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence.

synonym: liberty.

Roget 737a: government, legal authority, soveriegn, sovereign authority; authority etc. 737; master etc. 745; direction etc. 693.    [nations] ... show more

Roget 748: freedom, liberty, independence; license etc. (permission) 760; facility etc. 705.    scope, range, latitude, ... show more

Dutch: zelfbeschikkingsrecht
Polish: samorząd

2 autonomy

Personal independence.

synonyms: self-direction, self-reliance, self-sufficiency.

Dutch: zelfvertrouwen, zelfvoorziening, autarkie
Polish: samowystarczalność

Moby thesaurus: Declaration of Independence, absolute monarchy, aristocracy, autarchy, autarky, autocracy, autonomousness, coalition government, colonialism, commonwealth, constitutional government, constitutional monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, dominion rule, duarchy, duumvirate, dyarchy, federal government, federation ... show more.

Find more on autonomy elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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