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1 arousal

The act of arousing:
— The purpose of art is the arousal of emotions.

synonym: rousing.

Roget 374a: sex, sexuality, gender; male, masculinity, maleness etc. 373; female, femininity etc. 374.    sexual intercourse, copulation, ... show more

Dutch: aansporing, excitatie, stimulatie, stimulering
Polish: przebudzanie

2 arousal

A state of heightened physiological activity.

3 arousal

Awakening from sleep.

4 arousal

Mutual sexual fondling prior to sexual intercourse.

synonyms: foreplay, stimulation.

Dutch: voorspel
Polish: pieszczoty, gra wstępna

Moby thesaurus: a high, aggravation, agitation, animation, arousing, awakening, bringing out, calling forth, drawing out, eduction, electrification, emotion, evocation, exacerbation, exasperation, excitation, excitedness, excitement, exhilaration, firing ... show more.

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