English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 731

5. Words relating to the voluntary powers
5.5. Results of voluntary action

#731. Success


success, successfulnessspeedadvance etc. (progress) 282.
trump cardhit, stroke, scorelucky hit, fortunate hit, good hit, good strokedirect hit, bull's eyegoal, point, touchdownhome run, homer, hole-in-one, grand slamkilling [make money], windfall bold stroke, master stroketen strike [U.S.]coup de maitre [Fr.], checkmatehalf the battle, prizeprofit etc. (acquisition) 775.
continued successgood fortune etc. (prosperity) 734time well spent.
advantage overupper hand, whip handascendancy, masteryexpugnation, conquest, victory, subdualsubjugation etc. (subjection) 749.
triumph etc. (exultation) 884proficiency etc. (skill) 698.
conqueror, victor, winnermaster of the situation, master of the position, top of the heap, king of the hillachiever, success, success story.


succeedbe successful etc. adj. — gain one's end, gain one's endscrown with success.
gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an objectget there [U.S.]manage to, contrive toaccomplish etc. (effect) (complete) 729do wonders, work wondersmake a go of it.
come off well, come off successful, come off with flying colorsmake short work oftake by storm, carry by stormbear away the bellwin one's wings, win one's spurs, win the battlewin the day, carry the day, gain the day, gain the prize, gain the palmhave the best of it, have it all one's own way, have the game in one's owns hands, have the ball at one's feet, have one on the hopwalk over the coursecarry all before one, remain in possession of the fieldscore a success.
speedmake progress etc. (advance) 282win one's way, make one's way, work one's way, find one's waystrive to some purposeprosper etc. 734drive a roaring trademake profit etc. (acquire) 775reap the fruits, gather the fruits, reap the benefit of, reap the harveststrike oil [U.S.], gain a windfallmake one's fortune, get in the harvest, turn to good accountturn to account etc. (use) 677.
triumph, be triumphantgain a victory, obtain a victory, gain an advantagechain victory to one's carnail a coonskin to the wall.
surmount a difficulty, overcome a difficulty, get over a difficulty, get over an obstacle etc. 706se tirer d'affaire [Fr.]make head againststem the torrent, stem the tide, stem the currentweather the storm, weather a pointturn a corner, keep one's head above water, tide overmasterget the better of, have the better of, gain the better of, gain the best of, gain the upper hand, gain the ascendancy, gain the whip hand, gain the start ofdistancesurpass etc. (superiority) 33.
defeat, conquer, vanquish, discomfiteuchreovercome, overthrow, overpower, overmaster, overmatch, overset, override, overreachoutwit, outdo, outflank, outmaneuver, outgeneral, outvotetake the wind out of one's adversary's sailsbeat, beat hollowrout, lick, drub, floor, worstput down, put to flight, put to the rout, put hors de combat [Fr.], put out of court.
silence, quell, nonsuit, checkmate, upset, confound, nonplus, stalemate, trumpbaffle etc. (hinder) 706circumvent, eludetrip up, trip up the heels ofdrive into a corner, drive to the wallrun hard, put one's nose out of joint.
settle, do forbreak the neck of, break the back ofcapsize, sink, shipwreck, drown, swampsubduesubjugate etc. (subject) 749reducemake the enemy bite the dustvictimize, roll in the dust, trample under foot, put an extinguisher upon.
answer, answer the purposeavail, prevail, take effect, do, turn out well, work well, take, tell, bear fruithit it, hit the mark, hit the right nail on the headnick itturn up trumps, make a hitfind one's account in.


succeeding etc. v. — successfulprosperous etc. 734triumphantflushed with success, crowned with success victorious, on topset upin the ascendantunbeaten etc. (beat) etc. v. — well-spentfelicitous, effective, in full swing.


successfully etc. adj. — well flying colors, in triumph, swimminglya merveille [Fr.], beyond all hopeto some purpose, to good purposeto one's heart's content.


veni vidi vici [Lat.], the day being one's own, one's star in the ascendantomne tulit punctum [Lat.].
bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria [Lat.]cede repugnanti cedendo victor abibis [Lat.] [Ovid]; chacun est l'artisan de sa fortune [Fr.]dies faustus [Lat.]l'art de vaincre est celui de mepriser la l'art de vaincre est celui de mepriser la mort [Fr.]omnia vincit amor [Lat.], love conquers allpeace hath her victories no less renowned than peace hath her victories no less renowned than war" [Milton]; the race by vigor not by vaunts is won" [Pope]; vincit qui patitur [Lat.]vincit qui se vincit [Lat.]The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet" [Mark Twain].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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