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Roget category 590

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.10. Means of communicating ideas
›› 4.10.2. Conventional means

#590. Writing


writing etc. v. — chirography, stelography, cerographypenmanship, craftmanshipquill drivingtypewriting.
writing, manuscript, MS.
, literae scriptae [Lat.]these presents.
stroke of the pen, dash of the pencoupe de plumelineheadlinepen and ink.
letter etc. 561uncial writing, cuneiform character, arrowhead, Ogham, Runes, hieroglyphiccontractionBrahmi, Devanagari, Nagariscript.
shorthand stenography, brachygraphy, tachygraphysecret writing, writing in ciphercryptography, stenographyphonography, pasigraphy, Polygraphy, logography.
copytranscript, rescriptrough copy, fair copyhandwritingsignature, sign manualautograph, monograph, holographhand, fist.
calligraphygood hand, running hand, flowing hand, cursive hand, legible hand, bold hand.
cacography, griffonage, barbouillagebad hand, cramped hand, crabbed hand, illegible handscribble etc. v. — pattes de mouche [Fr.]ill-formed letterspothooks and hangers.
stationerypen, quill, goose quill pencil, stylepaper, foolscap, parchment, vellum, papyrus, tablet, slate, marble, pillar, tableblackboardink bottle, ink horn, ink pot, ink stand, ink welltypewriter.
transcription etc. (copy) 21inscription etc. (record) 551superscription etc. (indication) 550graphology.
composition, authorshipcacoethes scribendi [Lat.]graphoidea, graphomaniaphrenoia.
writer, scribe, amanuensis, scrivener, secretary, clerk, penman, copyist, transcriber, quill driver stenographer, typewriter, typistwriter for the press etc. (author) 593.


write, pencopy, engrosswrite out, write out fairtranscribescribble, scrawl, scrabble, scratchinterlinestain paperwrite down etc. (record) 551sign etc. (attest) 467enface.
compose, indite, draw up, draft, formulatedictateinscribe, throw on paper, dash offmanifold.
take up the pen, take pen in handshed ink, spill ink, dip one's pen in ink.


writing etc. v. — written etc. v. — in writing, in black and whiteunder one's hand.
uncial, Runic, cuneiform, hieroglyphical.


currente calamo [Sp.]pen in hand.


audacter et sincere [Lat.]le style est l'homme meme [Fr.]nature's noblest gift - my gray goose nature's noblest gift - my gray goose quill" [Byron]; scribendi recte sapere et principium et scribendi recte sapere et principium et fons [Lat.] [Horace]; that mighty instrument of little men" [Byron]; the pen became a clarion" [Longfellow].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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