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Roget category 124

1. Words expressing abstract relations
1.6. Time
›› 1.6.2. Relative time

#124. Oldness


oldness etc. adj. age, antiquitycobwebs of antiquity.
maturitydecline, decaysenility etc. 128.
seniority, eldership, primogeniture.
archaism etc. (the past) 122thing of the past, relic of the pastmegatheriumSanskrit.
tradition, prescription, custom, immemorial usage, common law.


be old etc. adj. — have had its day, have seen its daybecome old etc. adj. — age, fade, senesce.


old, ancient, antiqueof long standing, time-honored, venerableelder, eldestfirstborn.
primeprimitive, primeval, primigenouspaleolontological, paleontologic, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropic, paleolithic, primordial, primordinateaboriginal etc. (beginning) 66diluvian, antediluvianprotohistoricprehistoricantebellum, colonial, precolumbianpatriarchal, preadamitepaleocrysticfossil, paleozoolical, paleozoic, preglacial, antemundanearchaic, classic, medieval, Pre-Raphaelite, ancestral, black-letter.
immemorial, traditional, prescriptive, customary, whereof the memory of man runneth not to the whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contraryinveterate, rooted.
antiquated, of other times, rococo, of the old school, after-age, obsoleteout of date, out of fashion, out of itstale, old-fashioned, behind the ageold-worldexplodedgone out, gone bypasse, run outsenile etc. 128time worncrumbling etc. (deteriorated) 659secondhand.
old as the hills, old as Methuselah, old as Adam, old as history.
[geological eras (list, starting at given number of years bp)] Archeozoic [5,000,000,000], Proterozoic [1,500,000,000], Paleozoic [600,000,000], Mesozoic [220,000,000], Cenozoic [70,000,000]. [geological periods] Precambrian, Cambrian [600,000,000], Ordovician [500,000,000], Silurian [440,000,000], Devonian [400,000,000], Mississippian [350,000,000], Pennsylvanian [300,000,000], Permian [270,000,000], Triassic [220,000,000], Jurassic [180,000,000], Cretaceous [135,000,000], Tertiary [70,000,000], Paleogene [70,000,000], Neocene [25,0000,000], Quaternary [1,000,000]. [geological epochs (list, starting at 70,000,000 years bp)] Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent.


since the world was made, since the year one, since the days of Methuselah.


vetera extollimus recentium incuriosi [Lat.] [Tacitus].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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