English synonyms about - contact  



1 supersede

Take the place or move into the position of.

synonyms: replace, supervene upon, supplant.

Roget 147: substitute, put in the place of, change for; make way for, give place to; supply the place of, take the place of; supplant, supersede, replace, cut out, serve as a substitute; step into stand in the shoes of; jury rig, ... show more

Roget 678: not use; do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch, forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect; keep back, reserve.    lay up, lay by, ... show more

Roget 782: relinquish, give up, surrender, yield, cede; let go, let slip; spare, drop, resign, forego, renounce, abandon, expropriate, ... show more

Dutch: verdringen, remplaceren, vervangen

Moby thesaurus: abandon, act for, change places with, crowd out, cut out, desert, discard, displace, double for, fill in for, forsake, ghost, ghostwrite, oust, pinch-hit, reject, relieve, replace, represent, repudiate ... show more.

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