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line up


1 line up

Form a line.

2 line up

Get something or somebody for a specific purpose.

synonyms: come up, find, get hold.

3 line up

Form a queue, form a line, stand in line.

synonyms: queue, queue up.

4 line up

Place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight.

synonyms: adjust, align, aline.

Dutch: Aline, op één lijn zetten, op één lijn brengen, uitlijnen

5 line up

Arrange in ranks.

synonym: dress.

6 line up

Take one's position before a kick-off.

Moby thesaurus: align, allocate, allot, apportion, arrange, array, bank, bill, book, budget, calendar, collimate, collineate, collocate, compose, cool off, correspond, deal, deal out, deploy ... show more.

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